Thursday, May 3, 2012

Monica and Melinda

We moved to town when I was 8.

And right next door I found 2 playmates.

They were two of the prettiest little girls.

Their hair was made up in the cutest of curls.

But before that day to my amazement. 

I never laid eyes on anyone of the African decent.

Monica and Melinda was their names.

So what they were Black I was not ashamed.

They was rich and I was poor.

And their house set in the fanciest decor.

Their mom wore a beautiful colored apron.

She cooked the most delicious chicken.

Being in their nice house I was so affright.

Their mom gave me a piece of chicken to my 


But my fingers got sticky eating the chicken.

I being shy wiped my fingers on the curtain.

Then their mom I'm sure got a little mad.

I know I felt ashamed and kind of sad.

But she didn't get to much angered

as she gave me a towel to wipe my fingers.

I could never forget those memories.

Monica and Melinda grew up to be classy.

They was rich and I was poor

yet I loved them evermore.

author of poem:  me, Lisa (Liza Jane)


Black history month, inspirational poem, Monica and Melinda, my blogspot, my Google blogger, my poems, my poetry, poetry of Lizajane, words of inspiration, true life, true experiences, true story